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Learn about the latest information about TNE opportunities in Vietnam with our comprehensive survey. This groundbreaking report is the first of its kind to focus solely on the market for transnational education in Vietnam.

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Why is this survey important?

There are a number of countries that are established markets for international education, but Vietnam is quickly becoming a key market for TNE opportunities. With close to 200,000 Vietnamese students enjoying their studies abroad every year, it’s clear that there’s an appetite for international education in Vietnam.

With that said, domestically Vietnamese students are also enjoying rapid transformation and internationalisation - which is essentially acting as a primer for future international students. Vietnam has quickly developed an appetite for international education, which has caused a surge of interest in TNE opportunities in the country. Now, more than ever, students in Vietnam are looking for a chance to experience tertiary-level educational programs in their home country.

Our survey Vietnam Voices is important because it looks to gauge public interest in the transnational education market in Vietnam. For the first time ever, our work will look at the public's attitude towards the transnational education market in Vietnam. With over 1,000 parents surveyed across multiple demographics, we offer the most comprehensive look yet at this newly emerging market.

What the Vietnam Voices survey looks at?

Our survey was poised to answer a number of questions around the market for TNE opportunities in Vietnam, including:

  • Why was there an appetite for TNE programs in Vietnam?
  • Who are the key decision makers when selecting the institute of higher learning for students?
  • What are the parents' attitudes towards these types of programs and how much are they willing to pay for them?
  • What are the best ways to reach and engage with these parents?

Our survey results yield some very interesting insights into how the market in Vietnam resonates with TNE programs. What’s more, our survey yielded useful intelligence that could help institutions consider TNE in the country. Some of these insights look at the following areas:

  • Whether or not there is a growing TNE market in Vietnam
  • Where is this market?
  • How much are families able or willing to pay for international study?
  • Are there preferred countries for these international programs?
  • What information has the strongest influence on the decision-makers?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of TNE programs in Vietnam, and can they be readily addressed?

The Vietnam Voices Report by Acumen looks to answer these questions and provide further insights into TNE programs in Vietnam.